Merit Web Input enables the self-service creation and monitoring of requests from a public website or Facebook. It is intended for use by the public for lodgement of their requests and enables the input of request information, including contact details, address of request, description and attachments. Once the request is submitted, an immediate acknowledgement is returned and automatic email/SMS updates are scheduled to further inform the customer. Customers can also check progress themselves online.
This feature provides a proactive approach to customer service delivery and is all part of the one Merit 24/7 integrated system. Creating a new customer form and the associated back-end workflow is quick and easy. You can adopt existing web page styles or create your own. You can have as many forms as you like, embed them in an existing page or show them in a list box. You can also add shape to your customer responses by adding self-guided steps into your form. Your customers will appreciate the extra flexibility that this new channel brings to your business.
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